
Monday, December 29, 2014

Desire For More

I want to know God more. Does that mean I pick up my Bible every day and read it? No. I want to be someone that others thinks of as a prayer warrior. Does that mean I pray for hours a day? No. Does it mean I even think to pray first in all situations? No. I want to be a better wife, mom, pastor's wife, friend, etc.... Does this mean I look in the Bible to know how to do that? No.

When Paul and I were dating we started reading the book of Proverbs together. Each day we would read one chapter and each pick a verse that we liked and tell why. I'll admit, when we started it I liked the reading together, but I didn't always like picking a verse. That meant I had to show how much I didn't know about what it was saying. As we did this, I was surprised at how much it did make sense to me when I really read it. And I enjoyed learning more and growing more. Then when I left in the fall for a year of college at Faith Baptist Bible College in Ankeny, Iowa, I tried getting into the habit of doing daily devotions. I struggled then and still struggle today with doing devotions. I always have an excuse...I'm not a morning person, I have 4 kids, I homeschool, I have so much to do around the house and church, and on and on I could go. What I have learned is that if I don't make it a priority to be in God's Word then I won't do it.

We had the privilege of being at my parent's church this last Sunday. Their pastor preached through the whole book of John in one message! Paul admitted he wouldn't be able to do it. :-) Pastor White conveyed a “Portrait of God” with one point from each chapter. I have heard a lot of people suggest that the book of John is a good place to start when a new believer wants to read the Bible. I now have a desire to go through each of his points from John and study them out more. I am hoping in this next year to really commit to reading the Bible. Not because I HAVE to, but because I WANT to! I want to learn more about God. I want to grow. I want to be able to say that I am fully trusting in God to get me through whatever I am facing each day. Will you join me this year in diving into God's Word? Will you join me in learning more about Him and trusting Him more? I hope you will. I am going to be working on a reading schedule for the ladies to do together so we can keep each other accountable and grow together. I hope you will consider joining me. 

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