Are you available? Last time I talked about being approachable. Elizabeth makes the distinction of approachability and availability in this way...."Approachability has the idea of a passive, friendly attitude....Availability has a more active posture. It often takes the initiative to reach out. The available person is a ready person, prepared and eager to respond when she believes she can help and has something to give."
Do you have a mentor? Someone that is helping you grow as a Christian? Over the years I have prayed at different times that God would send someone to me that would be a mentor to me. Most of those times he has ended up sending someone my direction that I was able to mentor. I do think I probably learned more in that way than if someone would have been mentoring me. Even when we don't have a mentor, we still have the ultimate mentor and example in Jesus. "No one is more available than He is. He is ever-present."
I ask about a mentor because in order to be a mentor you have to be available. Jesus is our perfect example of everything. He is definitely the one we should look to about being available. Even when Jesus was busy with one thing he was always available for whatever else came up. Being available is demanding. Even Jesus had to take times of rest and refresh so he could still be available to others. Elizabeth asks in her book if you sometimes feel by the end of the day that everyone has been looking for you and needing your help. There are times I feel that way as soon as my feet hit the floor. As I said Jesus even needed times of rest, but He also was an early riser and refreshed each morning by talking to His Father. He found a quiet spot and would get His direction for each day from God. I can't say I'm the best to be writing about that part. If you know me at all, you know I am NOT a morning person. Most mornings the kids are awake by 6 or shortly after, but they are not allowed to come out of their rooms until 7. Most mornings I am not even out of bed by the time they come out of their rooms. Oh I have tried time and time again to get up early, but something always discourages me and I give up within a day or two. I know this post isn't about getting up early, but if I want to be able to be available to others during the day, but not get overwhelmed and exhausted then I need to be spending the time with my Heavenly Father so I know what HE wants me to do each day so I can be available to the ones that do need me. If pray refreshed Jesus then it will refresh me. As Elizabeth points out, "It's right and it's Christlike to be available, but you can't go every place or minister to every need. So make sure you get clear direction for each new day. Start by praying. Like Jesus, check in with the Father for His lead. Then begin at home by being available to your family."
That last part really gets me. I can say to myself, "I am home all day. Of course I'm available to my family." But, am I really available to them or am I just doing the things that I think need to be done? When someone wants a book read to them or to play a game or just listen to something they have to say, do I give them my full attention? My home, my family, is my first ministry right now. Do they know that I am available for them?
I thought it was funny when Elizabeth says in the book, "Life and ministry are never simple. That's because people are involved. Maybe if you cloistered yourself in a monastery somewhere, things might be much simpler." I had to laugh because she is so right. It's not easy. And there have been times I have just wanted to run away and be alone. An island with no one else around, no busyness, no interruptions and distractions. But, I know me....I wouldn't be able to handle the quiet for long. I would eventually get lonely and want someone to talk to. So, I guess I just have to deal with people. :-) But, God also didn't want us to just go off and be alone. What good would that do to build His Kingdom? How could I help others and tell others about Christ if I was all alone? "To be blessed --and a blessing--be available."
There are people all around that just need someone to listen to them. They need a caring heart to give them a kind word. They are just looking for someone to sympathize with them. These are the people that we need to be reaching out to, to be available to. We never know when a relationship starts what will come of it. Maybe it will end terribly, but what if it ends with that person starting a relationship with Christ. Yes, it can be draining to be available just to hear someone talk about how "bad" their life is, but maybe listening to them will help them see Christ. And maybe they will eventually see the one that can really help them. We need to be the ones that are asking God how we can be available. Elizabeth closes the chapter with this...."Prayer is the perfect place to start! Ask God to open your heart, your eyes, and your ears -- maybe even your wallet-- to others. Make it a daily goal to be friendly, to smile, to be ready and available to reflect the big heart of Jesus."
Going back to the you have a mentor? Are you a mentor for someone else? If you're not, I encourage you to ask God to bring someone into your life that you can be available to. Whether it's your own kids, a neighbor, a friend or someone you haven't even met yet. Like I said, we are dealing with people so sometimes it may not work out in the end like you hope, but all we can pray for is that God will use us in someone else's life so that they can see Him.
Monday, August 17, 2015
Monday, August 3, 2015
Am I Approachable?
I have started reading a book by Elizabeth George called "A Woman Who Reflects the Heart of Jesus - 30 Days to Christlike Character". I decided there was a lot to go through in just 30 days and if I really wanted to meditate on each character trait then I would need to take longer. I am going to try to do 30 weeks to Christlike Character.
"Jesus is not some celestial untouchable superstar. He's a person who has lived where we live, faced what we face, and felt what we feel. That's why we can look to Him as a model of Christian behavior." I think it is sometimes hard to remember that Jesus did live on this earth and even though He still had his divine nature he also felt and experienced things as any human does.
It is so easy these days to "talk" to someone if we want to. We can call, text, e-mail, post, tweet and yes, we can still even send letters. Sometimes when we want to talk to someone (like customer service to take care of a problem) we can't reach the person we need. God is not like that. He is available 24/7. As a child of God, I can be in His presence any time I want. I can approach God any time I want. He is never too busy for me.
"He (Jesus) never seemed to allow what was urgent to get in the way of what was important." Elizabeth uses the events of Mark 2:1-5 to demonstrate how Jesus modeled this. This is the time that Jesus was preaching to a packed house and some friends of a paralytic man brought him to the house to be healed. Jesus didn't get mad at the men. He could have told them He was busy and didn't have time for this man. He was preaching to these people and it was "time" for that. He had an urgent message for these people. It wasn't time for Him to heal this man. But, He didn't react that way. He stopped His preaching and healed the man.
When I think about doing what is urgent or what is important, I think about the events of Luke 10-38-42, when Jesus visited Mary and Martha. Martha was busy doing what was urgent - the cooking, cleaning, hostessing. But, Mary chose to do what was important. She chose to sit at the feet of Jesus and listen to His teaching. I find myself, most days, being more like Martha than Mary. I busy myself with the things that I think are urgent and need to be done, but I tend to neglect the important things - spending time with God, my husband, my kids and others that I can be reaching out to and ministering to.
"From the story of the paralytic and his friends, who made sure he had an opportunity to meet with Jesus, and from numerous other instances in the Gospels, Jesus teaches His followers to be careful not to allow crowds, packed schedules, and busyness to get in the way of people who truly need help. They are what's important. You'll always have something that needs immediate, urgent attention. That's life! But ask God to give you discernment so you don't ignore sincere cries for help. Ask Him, "How would You want me to treat this person?'"
If I am busy with the urgent things then people who are important are not going to find me to be approachable. "To become more like Jesus, purpose and pray to be approachable like He was...and still is to you today and every day." Do not get discouraged by the ones that do approach you and take your time, but do not take your advice. Jesus had this happen many times also. Elizabeth notes about the events in Mark 10:17-22 where the man approaches Jesus and asks how to inherit eternal life. Jesus knew the man valued his money and possessions more than God, but He gave the man the advice knowing the man wouldn't follow Him. There will be people that do this to us, too. We can choose to shy away from being approachable to others, or we can choose to be like Christ and still hold our arms open. "God has gifted and prepared you with the help you can give to so many others who are sincere and desperately need what you have to offer!.........pray for them (the ones that are insincere) and ask God to again give you a heart that seeks to follow Jesus and be approachable. After all, one of the 12 disciples betrayed Jesus and yet Jesus still gave His life and blood as a ransom for those who approach the cross."
"Jesus is not some celestial untouchable superstar. He's a person who has lived where we live, faced what we face, and felt what we feel. That's why we can look to Him as a model of Christian behavior." I think it is sometimes hard to remember that Jesus did live on this earth and even though He still had his divine nature he also felt and experienced things as any human does.
It is so easy these days to "talk" to someone if we want to. We can call, text, e-mail, post, tweet and yes, we can still even send letters. Sometimes when we want to talk to someone (like customer service to take care of a problem) we can't reach the person we need. God is not like that. He is available 24/7. As a child of God, I can be in His presence any time I want. I can approach God any time I want. He is never too busy for me.
"He (Jesus) never seemed to allow what was urgent to get in the way of what was important." Elizabeth uses the events of Mark 2:1-5 to demonstrate how Jesus modeled this. This is the time that Jesus was preaching to a packed house and some friends of a paralytic man brought him to the house to be healed. Jesus didn't get mad at the men. He could have told them He was busy and didn't have time for this man. He was preaching to these people and it was "time" for that. He had an urgent message for these people. It wasn't time for Him to heal this man. But, He didn't react that way. He stopped His preaching and healed the man.
When I think about doing what is urgent or what is important, I think about the events of Luke 10-38-42, when Jesus visited Mary and Martha. Martha was busy doing what was urgent - the cooking, cleaning, hostessing. But, Mary chose to do what was important. She chose to sit at the feet of Jesus and listen to His teaching. I find myself, most days, being more like Martha than Mary. I busy myself with the things that I think are urgent and need to be done, but I tend to neglect the important things - spending time with God, my husband, my kids and others that I can be reaching out to and ministering to.
"From the story of the paralytic and his friends, who made sure he had an opportunity to meet with Jesus, and from numerous other instances in the Gospels, Jesus teaches His followers to be careful not to allow crowds, packed schedules, and busyness to get in the way of people who truly need help. They are what's important. You'll always have something that needs immediate, urgent attention. That's life! But ask God to give you discernment so you don't ignore sincere cries for help. Ask Him, "How would You want me to treat this person?'"
If I am busy with the urgent things then people who are important are not going to find me to be approachable. "To become more like Jesus, purpose and pray to be approachable like He was...and still is to you today and every day." Do not get discouraged by the ones that do approach you and take your time, but do not take your advice. Jesus had this happen many times also. Elizabeth notes about the events in Mark 10:17-22 where the man approaches Jesus and asks how to inherit eternal life. Jesus knew the man valued his money and possessions more than God, but He gave the man the advice knowing the man wouldn't follow Him. There will be people that do this to us, too. We can choose to shy away from being approachable to others, or we can choose to be like Christ and still hold our arms open. "God has gifted and prepared you with the help you can give to so many others who are sincere and desperately need what you have to offer!.........pray for them (the ones that are insincere) and ask God to again give you a heart that seeks to follow Jesus and be approachable. After all, one of the 12 disciples betrayed Jesus and yet Jesus still gave His life and blood as a ransom for those who approach the cross."
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