
Saturday, April 12, 2014

Keep the fire burning

Today was supposed to be “yard work” day. Since there was nothing on the calendar for today, a Saturday, I had been planning all week that we would get the big piles of brush burnt and plant some bulbs so we could enjoy some pretty flowers soon. This all seemed like a great plan, until......sometime in the week Paul made plans for the late afternoon and I realized the weatherman was calling for thunderstorms. Ok, so I could deal with the plans Paul made. They weren't till later in the day anyway, we could at least work the morning. And as for the thunderstorms, online it said they wouldn't come till later in the evening. So, we could still get the work done...or at least started!
Well, Saturday morning came. The kids and Paul were up and in the kitchen or living room by 7 am. I on the other hand was enjoying some rest. I did eventually make it out of bed a little after 8, but boy did my back hurt and I had a headache and my throat felt funny. And it was already cloudy and yucky looking outside. I just felt kind of blah and didn't feel like doing any yard work. I made myself some breakfast and enjoyed it alone since everyone else was outside. I finally made it out there around 9 and joined Paul around the fire he had started. Well, at least the brush would get burnt. The kids were playing happily together in the back yard and staying away from the fire.
We were out there about a half hour more when it started raining. It wasn't just a sprinkle anymore so we headed inside. Paul was keeping an eye on the fire, but at one point he asked me to look out on it. There was a lot of smoke, but no flames. I knew it was still hot underneath, but it looked like the rain was going to put it out. I don't know how long it rained, but it was a while and it wasn't a soft rain. But, when the rain was all done and a little time had passed, Paul went out to check on it and as he stirred it up a little he found that there were still some flames underneath and the fire started burning good again. Even with all that rain it hadn't put that fire out!
Then this thought came to me. There are times in our lives when we are really “on fire” for God. It's easy for others to see Him through us at these times. Then there seem to be times when we're not....we're just smoldering and we're not really different than the world. When we're “on fire” people see the difference. They see God's love through us. I don't know about you, but I'm glad that since I am a child of God that my flames can never go out completely! I am so glad that He is a loving and patient God that doesn't let me go! This all then made me think of a song called “Pass It On”.

It only takes a spark I wish for you my friend
To get a fire going This happiness that I’ve found
And soon all those around You can depend on Him
Can warm up in the glowing It matters not where you’re bound
That’s how it is with God’s love I’ll shout it from the mountain top
Once you’ve experienced it I want the world to know
You’ll spread His love The Lord of Love
To everyone Has come to me
You’ll want to pass it on I want to pass it on
What a wondrous time is spring I’ll shout it from the mountain top
When all the trees are budding I want the world to know
The birds begin to sing The Lord of Love
The flowers start their blooming Has come to me

That’s how it is with God’s love I want to pass it on
Once you’ve experienced it
You’ll want to sing
It’s fresh like spring
You’ll want to pass it on
Lord, I pray today that you will help use the fire I saw today as a reminder to keep my fire for You burning. Help me to be in your Word daily and trust You for everything, even the “little things”. Help me not to let the “rain” come and make my fire smolder. Let others see You and Your love in me. In Your name I pray, Amen.